After listening to Sweet Bobby, I think the best end to this story would be you saying you've been catfishing us all along, and that Ashley doesn't exist. I would laugh and be very relieved!

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Jul 8Liked by Lauren Reeves 🏳️‍🌈

I'm really trying not to yell at you because really I absolutely don't know you at all but stop fucking engaging with her. Bless and release. She's not going to kill herself she loves herself too much to drive into a tree. She's a manipulative psychopath and you are being so malleable. I would really like to shake the crap out of you but that seems kind of violent and I don't actually know you and I know this happened a while ago. Like I get it with Cecilia because she has children with Ashley but you are being unhinged. And I mean that with all the love.

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You have full permission to shake the crap out of me.

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Jul 16Liked by Lauren Reeves 🏳️‍🌈

Patiently waiting for 45... it's been a long time. There IS a part 45, right?

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Yes! There is a 45, it’ll be out this week! Currently doing some site maintenance, I would never leave you guys hanging. There will also be a 46 and a 47.

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This is Ashley's brother Michael. I've kept quiet during this entire thing, but you acting like you're the only one that was trying to help my sister is bullshit. You've conveniently left out the fact that I have barely spoken to my family since this all started 3 years ago because I took "Cecelias" side and was fucking livid that my parents and sisters refused to help Ashley mentally and actively aided in her betrayal of her family. My wife and I were in "Cecelias" (and quite frankly Ashleys) corner while you were being swooned with 30,000 dollar checks and free ipads and ignoring any attempts by "Cecelia" to reach out to you. But far worse than the omissions and liberties in your telling of this story is your sheer callous self interest. This story may just be a story to you at this point, something that can help your writing career, but this story ruined families, caused real trauma for people, and has forever changed the trajectories of the lives of so many of the people involved. I'm glad you have your story Lauren, but wrap it the fuck up, and try to have a little integrity. Oh and BTW I'm a Marxist not a fucking fascist.

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“Caused real trauma for people” and the writer included TBH. You’re victim shaming

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deletedJul 10
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Jul 10·edited Jul 10

You're acting like I'm upset about you writing about my family. I'm not. I can tell you though everyone that was actually deeply impacted from your hot gossip story thinks this is gross. I mean everyone. If you were writing in an honest way I don't think anyone would have an issue. You're presenting this story as if you're an innocent victim when in reality you were an active participant. You either knew about Cecelia and the kids and didn't care or are so vapid and materialistic that you couldn't see through the facade. All those red flags right in front of your face? Lauren, come on. Please just stop with the poor me victim mentality. When we did speak on the phone you were already salivating over your "lesbian catfish tell all." That's my main point here, you're actively attempting to benefit from the retelling of this story don't pretend it's about healing or consequences. The only consequences are pulling up painful memories for the people involved. If you wanted to tell the story in an honest and meaningful way that would be your right, but as of right now all I see is someone attempting to profit off of the pain of others. Even your own readers have commented about how long you stayed involved in the situation. I think it's pretty clear that you did so out of self interest, and that you've profited enough from all of this. I really hope you get the Netflix series you want so badly. Cecelia, the kids, Ashley, and everyone else involved will continue trying to pick up the pieces of our lives and move on from all of this.

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Thank you for sharing an actual human perspective behind this exploitative saga. I don’t know any of the players involved, but I’ve been reading in horror as this writer describes knowingly stringing along a severely mentally ill person for an entire year in exchange for gifts, checks, but mostly “the story.” It’s a wildly disturbing tale, but not at all for the reasons the author thinks.

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Jul 11Liked by Lauren Reeves 🏳️‍🌈

Seems odd to tell any person that they knew the whole time what they didn’t know. Hindsight is absolutely 20/20. Would you gaslight every person who’s been catfished? As you well stated, this phenomenon actually happens to people, and for any person to state conclusively that any victim’s perspective was not realistic is just wrong. Crediting yourself with being on the inside does not give fire to your novella commentary, it only shows that you knew longer what it took this writer a year to understand. For many it takes longer because the abuser is that skilled.

In your words, what would retelling this story in an honest and meaningful way look like to you? This appears to be Lauren’s style of story telling which is honest and meaningful from their perspective. If you retell it, it would likewise be in your style. This is congruent with her previous work, if only a different genre and medium. If you don’t like her work, just say that. It’s ok.

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I’m sorry that Ashley has torn your family apart though it seems as though you are missing the fact that your sister preyed upon innocent women and gaslit them any time they questioned the relationship. She is con artist and should be exposed. You are pointing the finger at the wrong person

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Did Lauren delete her response to you?

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Cecelia asked me to delete it, so I did.

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I’m all caught up after reading 44 parts over a few days. As entertaining as this is, engaging with her at this point feels 100% voluntary and like it serves no purpose other than to fan the flames of a sordid story. And I really hope you give the $30k Ashley paid you under false pretenses back to Cecelia and/or their kids in whatever way you can. Set those kids up a 509 college savings plan and deposit the money in it if you have to. Buy them their freaking Subaru back. It really isn’t right that you profited from a horrific time in their family, even unintentionally.

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Jul 9Liked by Lauren Reeves 🏳️‍🌈

Hoping for this to be a part of the ending too!

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Yeah, you’re right. Blocking her immediately after Sweet Bobby would have most likely alleviated all of these escalations. Dragging it out only made Ashley more volatile. It makes this story so much more sad when it’s obvious mental health issues being shared. Unfortunately, I can imagine there are still families and children affected and that this is pulling up a lot of feelings.

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Jul 11·edited Jul 11

Lauren, I don’t know you, your story is none of my business, I am but a fellow reader in this car crash of a story. I do see you as (one of the) victims in this story, I do. The things you had to endure from an obviously mentally ill girlfriend were horrifying.

My only issue (which I think is shared with many of your readers based on some of the other comments) is your lack of insight into your own role in the story. I think you can be a victim but also be complicit at the same time, but we are only hearing/seeing the victim side. I would be much more interested to read a story about how this became a journey of self introspection for you. Instead, it feels a bit like rushed reality tv episodes, which is fair given your career.

I’m sorry you had to go through what you went through, and I think it’s fair to share your story, it’s certainly provided a lot of readers with some entertainment in their otherwise dull lives, it’s a shame that the people affected are still picking up the pieces, I just wish you had a little more self reflection. Like owning half of Alaska isn’t cool, it’s kinda gross, but you would never mention that, instead you make fun of people in Bakersfield. Feels a bit double standard.


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Hey Sach,

She’s only sending out her side and what she went through. Little does everyone know this has been seriously edited to honestly not project anything from Ashley’s side. This happened years ago. This isn’t recent. This isn’t for clout or “reality tv”. You’re reading a blog on substack. Years of therapy have given her time to reflect. She’s allowed to tell her side without people victim blaming. She’s not the bad guy here.

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As another victim of Ashley's, I can attest that years of real therapy and work actually allow you the freedom to not hate-write about another person—to not let someone else consume your existence and your livelihood. Is this blog literally anything other than that?

And on an editorial note, giving space to Ashley's position in this story and the how and why she did what she did would actually be good writing. Journalistic, even. But I guess this is sensationalized reality TV bullshit at the end of the day.

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I am curious why you haven’t shared your story rather then critique someone else’s? If you are a victim of Ashley’s why do you feel the need to protect her?

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Not sure how you, Chandler, could possibly know whether I've ever shared my story.

And I'm commenting on the storytelling, not the story. It's the difference between how you approach sharing something and what that something is. Btw, that's literally what these comment sections are for.

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If you have shared your story I’m sure many others including myself would love to read. There are different methods of story telling and this one works for me. I’m sure what you have gone through is traumatic, no doubt, but as a reader I appreciate a bit of levity in the delivery of a serious narrative.

Regardless, Ashley is a monster and should be taken down. I hope you and any other victims share your parts of the story

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Jul 8·edited Jul 11Liked by Lauren Reeves 🏳️‍🌈

When I think about Ashley’s family, I picture that scene in Billy Madison where the O’Doyles chant pridefully as they drive off a cliff.

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This visual cracks me up. Exactly.

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Jul 9Liked by Lauren Reeves 🏳️‍🌈

So many parallels between Trashly and my step daughter…22 years old and already an alcoholic with a side of manic depression. I say parallels because when’s she’s good, she’s good, but when she’s off she makes our life a living hell. The threatening to kill herself and engaging in other destructive behavior while simultaneously never short on dudes wanting to date her. Taylor Swift’s “Blank Space” could have been written about her. And yet, part of me wants to believe that she’s going be able to pull her head out of her ass and be a mother to her 23 month old daughter. The other part knows that it’s a precarious situation and that we are in for more heartbreak. She’s been a manipulator and a liar for a long time and no medication is going to fix that. She spent 27 days in a rehab facility in May only to have a meltdown last week because she was drinking while on her meds. Of course, she too blamed the meds because she “only had 1 drink at lunch”. As much as all of your readers have been screaming for you to cut ties and walk away, it’s never that easy or simple.

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Jul 8Liked by Lauren Reeves 🏳️‍🌈

Ashley: "I'm going to drive into a tree!!!"

Me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aE_sYNVgS-M

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Ded 🤣

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Jul 8Liked by Lauren Reeves 🏳️‍🌈

Also I loved the transition to renaming her "Trashley" in your contacts – a true turning point!

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Jul 11Liked by Lauren Reeves 🏳️‍🌈

Hate-write? I don’t see that at all. She’s been able to at least find some humor in this fucked up tale. It’s a blog, babe. When did Lauren claim to be a journalist? On an editorial note: this isn’t the Times, it’s substack.

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My bad. "Teenage news reporter." (part 31). Untrained, obviously.

Also, Lauren (let's be real, what's with the anonymous account?), where are all your promised disclaimers to people you pretend to care about regarding how you're seriously making shit up as you go "for the sake of the story?"

I'd assume even a teenage news reporter is taught integrity in storytelling. no?

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Jul 11Liked by Lauren Reeves 🏳️‍🌈

This is not an anonymous Lauren account. She has responded on her own, and honestly. My name is Brooke. 🙋🏼‍♀️

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Jul 12Liked by Lauren Reeves 🏳️‍🌈

Still laughing at the analysis of journalistic standards on a writer’s blog based on her being a teenage tv news reporter 😆

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Jul 13Liked by Lauren Reeves 🏳️‍🌈

You do not have to read it if you do not want to. No one is forcing you to. She is sharing her side of her story. If you do not like it, you should move on.

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Jul 8Liked by Lauren Reeves 🏳️‍🌈

Please tell me you have a Nest/Doorbell cam and the footage of her about to try to break down your door is recorded

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Let's just say she knows how to make an exit.

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Jul 15Liked by Lauren Reeves 🏳️‍🌈

I PRAY that Cecelia and the children are now free of Ashley. Having a parent with a cluster B personality disorder can lead to a seriously traumatic childhood/adulthood. Ashley doesn’t give a shit about those babies, and they need to be PROTECTED from her. I hope Cecelia stops trying to get Ashley help and instead works on keeping herself and her kiddos safe from her. Fingers crossed for sole custody and a restraining order!! Ashley will never be a safe person. How heartbreaking for those little ones.

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Jul 9·edited Jul 9Liked by Lauren Reeves 🏳️‍🌈

SO many questions. But I'm now stuck on the official spelling: is it Trashley (like in the chapter titles) or Trashly (like in the screenshot of the 89 calls)?! My day can proceed once I have a ruling on this ;-)

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Jul 8Liked by Lauren Reeves 🏳️‍🌈


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Jul 9Liked by Lauren Reeves 🏳️‍🌈


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Jul 8Liked by Lauren Reeves 🏳️‍🌈

Ugh... gosh, I'm so sorry.

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Tell Chantel “Hi!” 🙋🏼‍♀️

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